The Ultimate Guide To sab sij huam dab neeg

We scrubbed flooring, toilets and washed dishes to get supplemental dollars to purchase our lease and purchase foods for our households. We planted vegetable inside our backyard to reduce the price of acquiring food stuff in the supermarket.

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We airlifted our previous allies, the Hmong, out in the wretched sickness-filled Thai camps to this region-then scattered them above two dozen states, to reduce the shock to any one point out's welfare and guidance devices.

Thawj tswj tsev hais plaub zaum siab tshaj txhua tus twj ywm tim rooj ncauj lug hais plaub. Tus niam los yog ntxhais teev lus zaum ntawm lub tshuab ntaus ntawv. Thawj tswj tsev hais plaub qhib roog nthuav kev los teem txim rau tus tub Hmoob Dylan Yang tag ces, tus niam ntaus ntawv pib ntaus txhua txhua lo lus hais tawm thiab siv nyob rau hauv tsev hais plaub zaum no.

Maypaj e, kuv thaij los mas. Kuv siv kuv lub koob yees duab ntawm kuv lub xov tooj tes na. Yog koj ho tsis ntseeg es xav pom tus moj zeej ntawd tiag no los khiav khiav tuaj es kuv coj koj mus saib los tau mas. Nyob tsis deb ntawm peb no os...

I don't desire to experience detailing why the Hmong people relied on welfare once we arrived in United States. I necessarily mean once in "the incredibly following day".

Thaum ntej kuv tuaj tuaj hauv no kuv twb tsis pom daim duab ntawd, kuv nyuam qhuav pom hnub kuv tuaj es kuv thov koj ntawd xwb, kuv tuaj pom tas ces kuv rov mus lawm, ntawm kuv lub qhov rai muaj ib daim careau iav loj loj thaiv hauv mus ti nkaus saum lub plafond, thaum tsaus ntuj kuv taws teeb kuv saib nraum zoov cas zoo li cia li pom ib tug hnav ib ce dawb zoo tib yam li koj daim duab nyog nraum zoov mas ua rau kuv ntshai heev, kuv cia li hloov kuv lub txaj mus rau lwm chav pw lawm*

yav ntuj thaum ub nyob rau los tsuas teb thaum uas twb muaj cov phom automated tuaj lawm, muaj ib tug tub hluas mus tham hluasnkauj los txog ntawm ib tog kev ces nws tseem hnov zoo li neeg tham tham lus taug kev pem hauv ntej los, txoj kev ntawv pem hauv ntej ntawv ib nkaus, lub caij ntawv twb tsaus ntuj zuag thaj tsam li ntawm 6-7 moo tsaus ntuj ntawv lawm, ces tustubhluas ntawv thiaj li xav zoj tias cia nws khiav nkaum nram qab ke seb yog dabtsi, yog neej los yog dab, ib pliag ntsis xwb ces txawm los txog, nws mam li saib na has cas pom ib daim ntaub dawb yus yees los mus xwb tsis pom dabtsi li, ces nws thiaj li muab nws rab phom tsom ncaj ncaj rau daim ntaub dawb yus los mus ntawv ces tua kiag raug kiag daim ntawv ploj ntais lawm, ces ntsiag to lawm tsis hnov tham lus li lawm, tau ob peb hnub tom qab xwb ces ib tug poglaus ntawm lub zos uas txoj kev ntawv nkag mus tau tagsim neej lawm, thaum lawv ua dab qhuas tag es kwv tus pog laus ntawv tuaj mus zais, lawv tuaj txog ntua ntawm qhov chaw uas tus tub hluas tua ntawv ces tus nees xyoob ntawv lov ntho ua rau tus tuag ntawv lub cev peb tham rau hauv piam teb cov kwv thiab cov neeg nrog lawv mus faus ntawv sib tw khiav, ces ib pliag lawv mam li rov los muab tus nees sib txuas sib txuas coj mus faus lawm xwb..

"It is likely that Hmong youth will likely be additional effective in their training Occupations than some other immigrant or refugee group ever to come back to America," he reported.

Posted 27 Mar 2007 · Report publish hluasnraughmoob, misshmoob xav tias, nej twb muab nws ua dab qhuas, twb xa mus thawj thiab tag rau pem suav teb lawm, yog li no tus los ua tej no ntshe tsis yog nws os, tab sis yog nej cov niag dab vaj dab tsev ua xwb os yom?

The brand new Year, which begins to the 30th day on the 12th lunar month, is actually a time for honouring the family’s ancestral and house spirits, and for your relatives to stay with each other, but in addition for viewing other villages and taking part in communal online games.

Following the fall of Saigon we pulled out of Southeast Asia and left the Hmongs to continue the battle with out air aid. When we still left, the Hmong needed to combat both the Laotians plus the N. Vietnamese. They may not battle tanks, significant artillery and plane with rifles. An incredible many Hmongs ended up slaughtered inside their villages. Lots of had been slaughtered at airfields wherever they waited for evacuation planes that by no means came.

Clans bridge the wide cultural divisions which have been believed to replicate the migration of different teams here of Hmong from central China. The two principal cultural divisions in the Hmong in Southeast Asia tend to be the White Hmong as well as Environmentally friendly Hmong, which may consult with the colour of girls’s garments. The White Hmong plus the Green Hmong usually lived in separate villages, almost never intermarried, spoke distinct dialects, experienced different sorts of women’s costume, and lived in residences of various architectural styles.

muaj ib tug pojniam hmoob uas nws tus txiv tau muab nws nrauj es tuaj rau United states lawm tau tham tau ib tug dab tiag tiag li. tus pojhmoob ntawv nws kuj tseem hluas kawg li thiab li ntawm 20 tawm xyoo thiab xwb, thaum nws tham tus hluasnraug dab ntawv nws yeej tsis paub tias yog dab li txog rau thaum uas nws twb pib mob lawm nws mam li paub. tus hluasnraug dab ntawv mas zoo nraug heev li thiab nyiam tus pojhmoob kawg li, here nws tuaj ntsib tus pojhmoob ntawv txhua lub sij hawm li yam nine tsaus ntuj txog rau 12 ib tag hmo ntawv tas li xwb thiab twb yeej nrog tus pojhmoob pw pw ua ke lawm. muaj ib hmo tus pojhmoob thiaj li nug tus hluasnraugdab ntawv tias es tus hluasnraug dab ntawv nyob rau qhov twg thiab cas es nws nyob lig ua luaj li mam li mus tsev nws tsis ntshai davphee los sis dab los website ces tus hluasnraugdab ntawv thiaj li teb rau tus pojhmoob tias nws tsis ntshai li os, nws lub tsev nyob rau tom qab tsev kawm ntawv es ntug tshav npas, tom qab uas tus pojhmoob hnov kiag nws lo lus teb no xwb ces nws siab poob thav tias tej zaum tus here hluasnraug no tsis yog neej lawv rau qhov nrav cov qab tsev kawm ntawv tov twb tsis muaj tsev nyob li tsuas yog muaj ib qho dab neeg hav iav xwb, ces nws kuj ua twj ywm thiab xwb. ces ib hmo tus hluasnraugdab ntawv tuaj ntxov heev li nyuam qhuav yog li ntawv nine moo tsaus ntuj xwb ces tus pojhmoob thiaj li hais rau tus hluasnraugdab tias kom nkawv mus saib nam ua ke hmo ntawv, ces tus hluasnraugdab tsis kam nrog tus pojhmoob mus ces nws thiaj li hais tias nws niam nyob tom tsev tsis tshua xis nyob thiab ces cia nws muab nyiaj rau tus pojhmoob ntawv mus saib xwb, thaum tus hluasnraugdab ntawv cev cov nyiaj rau tus pojhmoob mas yog nyiaj tiag tiag li...ces nws yeej nrog tus pojhmoob ntawv mus txog kiag ntawv chaw nkag mus hauv tsev saib nam nws mam li mus lawm..thaum uas tus pojhmoob ntawv saib saib nam tag li ntawm 11pm ntawv nws mam li muab cov nyiaj uas tus hluasnraugdab muab rau nws ntawv los saib na has cas es yog ib cov nplooj ntoos qhuav xwb, ces tus pojhmoob ntawv thiaj li tau ntshai heev thiab paub tseeb tias yog vim licas es tus hluasnraug nws tham ntawv thiaj li tsis kam tuaj ntsib nws thaum nruab hnub thiab thiaj li tsis kam nrog nws mus saib nam.

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